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Give to Christ Church

“You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.” 2 Corinthians 9:11

Christ Church is a community within the City of Calgary. We support each other in our faith journey and in our outward expression in the world. We believe in living wages for staff, and generous giving for our outreach and ministries. We gratefully accept all donations and as a registered charity provide tax receipts in conformance with CRA rules.

All donations made to Christ Church Calgary are eligible for tax credits.

Canadian Revenue Agency charitable registration number:

13248 9477 RR0001

Quick Links

Joyful Giving Pledge Form (online form)

Joyful Giving Pledge Form (PDF format)

Transfer of Securities Form

Pre-Authorized Withdrawal Form

Ways to Give

Giving FAQ

Am I expected to give money when I attend a service?

  • No – the offering plate is circulated as part of the liturgy to receive donations, but also represents our spiritual practice of giving from our paid labours. You are welcome to make an offering as part of the act of worship, but no one is watching to see if you put something on the plate. Most people give electronically these days.

How can I donate to a specific ministry?

  • Easy – just indicate the ministry in the memo section of the transaction.

Can I trust you with my money?

  • Absolutely – Christ Church has carefully stewarded donations for the past 110 years and counting without incident.

How much am I expected to donate?

  • This is a matter of personal choice, informed by spiritual practice and conscience; there is no minimum value expectation.

  • Traditional tithing (giving 10% of all income) is practiced by some parishioners, some give more. Some give less. What is important is as part of our Christian practice we give; not as a mere token, but as an expression of our gratitude for God’s gifts and support of our community.​

  • Check out this Guidelines for Giving document written by our Stewardship Committee Chair, Richard Tanner.

Will I receive a tax receipt?

  • Christ Church policy is to issue tax receipts for all identifiable sourced donations by end of February annually.

  • For example, cash given without any accompanying identification, (such as in an envelope with a name / address / phone number) can not be sourced to a person, hence no tax receipt would be issued.

Do I need to give cash, or can I donate with my credit card / debit card?

  • Offerings do not need to be cash, although it is gratefully accepted.

  • Credit card transactions can be processed over the phone with the office: 403-243-4680.

  • Regular electronic donations can be made by Preauthorized Deposit through the Diocese – click here for the form.

  • Alternatively, our secure gift app PushPay is available and Etransfer options addressed to

What happens to the cash after I put it in the offering plate?

  • After our spiritual practice of giving is blessed, it is set on the altar. At the end of the service, it is collected by a designated person and placed into a locked cash bag. The individual performing this task signs-off in a logbook the activity has been completed.

  • Offerings are counted by a separate designated team and then deposited into the bank.

Can I trust you with my credit card information?

  • Christ Church do not retain credit card information.

  • Credit card numbers provided through the PushPay window are confidential and not accessible to Christ Church.

Can I read your financial statements?

  • Yes – Our year end is June 30 and annual report including third-party reviewed financial statements is produced and available upon request from the parish office at 403-243-4680.

  • In addition, one can access financial information about Christ Church through the CRA’s list of registered charities and review our T3010 annual filings.

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