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Children, Youth, and Family Ministries

Image by Pawel Czerwinski

Job Opportunity

Christ Church Calgary is looking for a Half-Time Director of Children, Youth, and Family Ministry.  Are you interested or do you know of someone who might be?


Citywide Youth Group
Citywide Youth Group
Citywide Youth Group is happening April 19, 7pm @ St. James Anglican Church
Apr 19, 2024, 7:00 p.m.
St James Anglican Church,
6351 Ranchview Dr NW, Calgary


Hi, I'm Gary.  I am so excited to meet you!  

We have lots of kids and youth programming; join us in the fun! 

Questions or need more info?

Contact me, Gary!  I'm happy to help.

At Christ Church, caring for families isn’t just creating events for parents or children. Rather, caring looks like a child showing off her crayon colourings to another teenager, a ministry director showing adults his favourite boardgame, or a retired congregant listening to a tired new parent. Supporting families of Calgary means inviting them to be family to one another the way that Jesus of Nazarene chose to be a needy child and a family member devoted to people everywhere.


Old and young, gay and straight, trans and cisgender, we as a family are committed to meeting, listening, and eating together in places like Messy Church (once a month meals, arts, and activities as a celebration of life and God--a different way of doing church), Children’s Service (weekly learning and participation in age-appropriate liturgies, stories, and games), Parents Relaxation nights, and Youth Group Events (bowling, sports, arts, and bible studies, all to do with being a teenager in this world)

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